Hi family and friends,
If you are here to read about my move to India and my new job in the Centre for Ecological Sciences at the Indian Institute of Sciences in Bangalore, which I started October 28th 2021, you are in the right place.
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If you are here to read about cancer, thankfully I have no new cancer to report. You can read of past cancer in the older posts listed below. In sum: back in February 2021 I found out that I had non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. Specifically I had fourth stage follicular lymphoma, some of which had transformed to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. It was a big surprise. I started this blog to let you all know what was going on as I was being treated for it. This started with a background page, and progressed through 6 rounds of chemotherapy. After that was a bonus of thyroid cancer that was surgically removed, followed very closely by a mysterious tick borne disease that was also successfully treated. Then I moved to India. Since then I feel well and have passed the 1 year mark with no sign of returning cancer.