And finally… a colonoscopy

Figure 2: from right to left-Saskya, Prachi (daughter), Coby (nephew) and Andy (husband) out to dinner at Saltpoint brewery last night celebrating the  no-lymphoma biopsies
Figure 1: 11 days ago, the morning of the last day of 100 mg per day of Prednisone.

My last chemotherapy was 15 days ago. Eleven days ago I finished the high dose steroids (figure 1) which for me was probably the worst part of the treatment. I am starting to feel more energetic and my stomach feels pretty good. Monday I had a colonoscopy because the lymphoma was initially diagnosed in my colon and that is where a lot of it was. The colonoscopy looked good in the photos*, and yesterday the doctor called to tell me that the biopsies from it show no lymphoma.  That is big and exciting news (figure 2). I am relieved. So now I am finished with treatment forever or until the lymphoma comes back. I still have appointments  with the local and Rochester oncologists coming up so hopefully after that I’ll have a better idea of what the clear PET scan and colon biopsies really mean, and on what time scale.

*Anyone who wants to see the before and after photos from the colonoscopy send me an email at

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  1. Yay Saskya! Good work by your body, mind and doctors. So glad for this good news. xo Mara

  2. This is super-great news about the colonscopy results. YEAH!!! Now go and enjoy your vacation.

  3. Saskya, that is such wonderful news. I wish you continued healing and hope you are feeling better every day!

  4. Woohoo!!! I am so happy for you Saskya. Lovely picture of you and fam too. Enjoy your new energy. Thank you for allowing me on your journey.

  5. Saskya! I am elated hearing this good news! Yay to summer and your good health!

  6. Congrats, Saskya!

    Thanks so much for writing about your experiences with lymphoma; it was both interesting and educational for me.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of summer 🙂

  7. Saskya, I am very happy for reading the good news!! You are in my thoughts. Greetings from Tropical Brazil!

  8. I go to bed and have a good night sleep after reading the latest results! So glad for all of you! Tomorrow the new boat we are building is going to float the first time! At 3 o’clock in the afternoon Finnish time. “Alanta at fb” shows the livestreaming. “Everybody” will be there.

  9. This is such marvelous news, Saskya. We are delighted to hear it. Love, Patria and Geoff

  10. Hi Saskya,
    Had my once every 10 years conversation with Andy today and it wasn’t until the end of our conversation that he casually mentioned your blog.
    Your openness, attitude, and sense of community are inspiring as you go into uncharted territory.
    Wishing the best for you, Andy, and your kids.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Irv. Though the adventure is probably not over for good, I am happy to be dane with it for a while to come. Andy Ram feeling pretty much healthy.

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