The employee ID card I got when I started working here 1.3 years ago lasted only as long as the employment visa in my passport, which lasted until March 2023. My visa was extended and then yesterday I received a new employee ID card. Note that the two photos of me look different (Fig. 1a,b). It’s beyond that one photo is elongated and the other is compressed. The first one (Fig. 1a) was taken the day after I arrived in India. My colleague, Sumanta, graciously guided me around various administrative offices that day. But first he took me to a small photo shop just off campus and instructed me to get a pack of 24 replicate ID size photos, which cost just over a dollar. I did as he said, wondering how it could ever be that I would use that many photos. Sumanta was right, of course. The first one was used for my ID. Over the next hours and days and months I dutifully handed over photos to bureaucrats and stapled photos to forms, until one day I ran out. I had the photo taken for my new ID a few weeks ago at another small photo shop, where I again got a pack of 24 replicates for about a dollar.
An obvious difference between the photos is the length of my hair. Photo 1a shows the hairs as they were just growing from the new cells that naively came to life after chemo killed their predecessors. Later, after the photo, the hairs lengthened, and curled first a lot and then less. So now my hair looks about like it did in the time before chemotherapy.
I can’t tell if the second difference between the photos is even visible to you. What I see in the first photo is a person caught on “film” while moving through the Covid pandemic and cancer treatment, to a mysterious new job in a mysterious land, too far from her beloved children. In the second photo (1b) the pandemic, the cancer treatment, and the mysteries of the new job and culture are all still in the mix, but she no longer has the deer-in-the-headlights look about her. In its place is a small but useful amount of new knowledge and understanding. She is still way too far from her children.
Now it is March 2023. The main thing that has happened here since I last reported, in August 2022, is that my role as an associate professor at the Centre for ecological sciences at IISc has filed in, a lot. I have been teaching, going to meetings, writing grants and papers, traveling within India to do field work (Fig. 2) and other work things (Fig. 3a,b), and my lab is populated with students and postdocs (fig 4) who are energetic and learning and doing research (Fig. 5). Last weekend the lab group went on a social field-trip to the local zoo and butterfly park (Fig. 6). The way that so much unknown has resolved, so far, into this, seems like magic.
On the home front, Andy and I still don’t feel entirely comfortable living here. It is hard being away from family (Fig. 7 a, b), our local social life is still mostly superficial, I still miss being able to be out hiking and biking alone, and Andy hasn’t figured out just how he fits in at IISc work-wise, and he has only found a handful of sewing machines to repair (Fig. 8). We are getting to know Bangalore a little better (Fig. 9 a, b), but we have not yet taken advantage of the interesting places we can travel to as tourists in this huge diverse country. And, in the last week hungry monkeys ransacked our apartment, twice (Fig. 10). We aren’t miserable but I guess it takes a while to feel at home someplace, and no matter how diligently we work at that, we are still too far away from some important people (Fig. 11).
Saskya, thanks for your multifacited and as always thoughtful an fascinating updates. Monkeys in the house sound terrible, but your travels look great! So nice to see you with your big lab group, and they are lucky to have you!
Thanks Peter – yes definitely both good and bad going on. The lab group is great though! I hope you and Carole are well.
You look wonderful and happy to see your hair is back. I enjoy reading about your life, monkeys and all. Must be difficult being far from your children and family. You are making a difference so maybe a little helpful when you are feeling lonely. As always thank you for sharing your life. Joyce and I hiked about 5 weeks ago. Was so nice to see her.
Thanks Marcia. I look forward to someday, somewhere when I get to Hike with Joyce too. I hope that you are doing well.
It’s great to hear that you are so involved in the university and your research, and I love the picture of your students. Having that community sounds like fun. Sorry, but not surprised, to hear that you are still adjusting to daily life so far from “home,” but really happy to see you looking so good and healthy. Thanks for the update, and the pictures of Mieke and Prachi.
Thanks for the note. I am glad to be feeling well too! I guess I am also not surprised that we aren’t adjusted to daily life, but one can hope.
I hope that you and Lisbeth are well. We have to get Mieke connected to you now that you are nearly neighbors.
I love these newsletters Saskya! It’s interesting to hear how you perceive yourself in those two photos. You actually look great in the first photo!
Thanks Rachel. The difference between how different people see the same pictures, depending on their background knowledge is a mystery I come across a lot.
Thanks Saskya. As best I can tell, it is all on target.
I think it is!
Thank you for continuing these posts and updating your “followers” through the many transitions your life has been going through, instead of stopping once your cancer treatment was over. You are such a good writer ! And I love these illustrated chapters and reflections.
Thanks ma! There are a lot of transitions!
The ID-cards were fun! What a variation! I am so happy to hear that you are successul and popular at your work! Andy isn’t, and you are faraway from your beloved ones. What’s new!? You’ll get by. You once told me that you were born to work, your family supports you, and that’s fantastic! And… maybe something new will turn up. A new machine for Andy to work with, for example. He can always get my toilet at least!
Ha ha, you are right. Thing seems so different to me, but in some ways are the same. We are the same people. I hope you and Sten are well. We just yesterday got a new washing machine for the house in Åland.
There you go! Washing maskines are important! On the other hand, after you have started the Ecology department in Bangalore, you can think of starting one more department somewhere else… in a place where you can ride a bike, with lot of broken machines… or start something else closer to your family. Time will show! Let’s just do our best every day and enjoy the moments of togetherness when they happen!
This was in my “junk” mail and I just found it by mistake. I love your thoughts and insights and being part of your journey at different times!