Other than the fact that I start and end up looking nearly normal, at least on the outside, this panorama doesn’t do as good a job as the last one did at depicting the last three week chemotherapy cycle. But it is satisfying to see the dandelions have nearly all progressed from flowers to seeds.
There is nothing significant to report about the cancer. Almost a week ago, on May 27th, I had the fourth chemotherapy infusion. The following five days of prednisone were still a drag and I am glad they are over. Today I woke up feeling exactly like I was hung over, which must be due to the steroids wearing off. I also had a dream last night that a pair of small clay pots had been implanted in my hips, probably becuase my bones hurt there.
Thank you for the update. Geoff and I are holding you in our hearts!
Hi Saskya, it sounds like it is frustrating to deal with the side effects from the chemo. I send you healing thoughts…. i hope that these treatments end soon.
Thanks so much for the update. I’m glad the fourth chemo is done!!! xo
Saskya, thanks for the update. Sorry your side effects are uncomfortable and hope that has abated. Glad to see you are enjoying the dandelions, and hope to see you soon!
Hi Saskya, my name is Marcia and I am a friend of your cousin Joyce. So nice to hear you are improving with your treatment. I am receiving mine as I write you. Not sure what Lymphoma you have. I am receiving rituxan for follicular Lymphoma. I hold you in my heart. Marcia
Hi Marcia,
Nice to hear from you. I hope that your infusions are going well, and don’t last fro too long. I also have follicular Lymphoma, but by the time it was detected it had spread too much to be be treated with only Rituxan, and some it had transformed to diffuse large B cell Lymphoma which they say is more agressive. So the treatment I am getting is “R-CHOP” which is Rituxan along with three chemo drugs and prednisone.
Sounds like your chemo is coming to a close, thank goodness. I have another year of treatment going every two months. Do you know once yours is inactive will you go on maintenance? Like your blog. So glad Joyce gave me your site. ❤️ Marcia
How long have you had Lymphoma? Also are you treated at Kettering? Hope you plan to celebrate when you complete your treatment. Thank you again for your blog. Marcia
Hi Marcia, wow, another year is a long time! I hope that between treatments you feel well for a while.
So far the plan is that when I am finished with this R-chop treatment I won’t have to continue with Rituxan for maintenance. But it may change later. I am going to the Lymphoma Cancer group at Wilmot Cancer Institute in Rochester New York, instead of Kettering. Where are you? Since you are Joyces friend I assumed you are in California.
Yes I am in CA. I go to City of Hope which is a cancer center and research center for Lymphoma. Many of their docs are also scientist and have helped some of the immunotherapies being used today. I go every two months for treatment. I do very
well on rituxan, in fact receive it as an injection rather than infusion now. I so enjoy knowing Joyce. She hikes with me and my other fellow hikers. Joyce is joining us on our next Sierra trip in August. We hike in and set up camp for 5 days. The mules carry all of our big stuff ?. I am going to research your treatment center. I only know of Kettering in your area. You are heading for the finish line.
I am glad to hear that you are doing well with the maintenance Rituxan. So far I am happy with the cancer center I have gone to. They are doing active lymphoma research, and have communicated well with me.
Hiking in the Sierras with Joyce sounds wonderful!
You are awesome hiking 9 miles before 5th infusion. So near the end honey. Looks like you are in good hands Saskya. Hope those white blood cells build up before last treatment. I hold you in my heart.
Four down, two to go. I’m glad Mieke was around for this one and maybe provided a nice distraction.
Yeah, having them visiting was definitely a great distraction!
Glad to hear things are moving along, definitely an interesting dream!
While you don’t make chemo sound like a bed of roses you’re not exactly making a big deal out of it. You’re entitled to complain more– we can handle it. If it weren’t for your treatment I’d encourage you to come down here for our rare cicada event. I’m now watching them fly around my 9th fl window, listening to the background drone– and was mildly irritated to be awakened by them at 4 am this morning. Something an entomologist shouldn’t miss!
I do feel like I am missing out by not experiencing all those cicadas! I guess I’ll have other chances to look forward to. Meanwhile, you will just have to enjoy them on my behalf. As far as complaining about chemo. I think I am reporting accurately -it is definitely unpleasant.