As we go through life, as I go through my life, mostly what happens follows more or less from what happened before. I am rarely inexplicably someplace doing something without understanding how it came to be. But occasionally there is so much change and confluence of new things that it feels incomprehensible. Such a moment occurred this morning while I was sitting on the tiny sun porch that is only in the sun before 9 am, looking out over this vista. I wondered: how can it be that I have been alone for five days in an apartment in Jerusalem, isolating myself to avoid spreading the pandemic disease that finally after two years of evasion, I am infected with?
Though it may feel inexplicable, it isn’t, and I’ll explain it. In fact, through a few paragraphs and some photos I’ll get us back to where I left off with you all, which was while I was stewing over making US winter holiday food in India. But first, so you don’t worry: I do have Covid, but it is very mild and I am already feeling nearly all better.
I came to Jerusalem to be a fellow at the Israeli Institute for Advanced studies where I am part of a research group applying ecological theory to insect pest management and conservation. This is a project that we got funding for before the pandemic, and before I took the job in India. It is an incredible five months of support to work together with a very nice group of people. I feel fortunate. Since I just started my new job in Bangalore (which I also feel fortunate about), I can’t be here for the whole five months though. So I am here for a few weeks now, and then I’ll come back for the last two months with Andy. In between I’ll participate via Zoom.
When I left Bangalore the Omicron variant of COVID was prevalent. There was a curfew and for the last few weeks most people around me had been working from home a lot of the time. Many of the people in my department had been sick, and most of the households in our apartment building had to, though Andy and I had been spared. I knew that traveling would be a risk but I wanted to go. I avoided getting it in transit, but eventually, in Jerusalem I did get it. For those of you worried about my vulnerability due to chemotherapy for lymphoma- I also worry, but it has turned out to be mild. Maybe that is becuase I was lucky enough to be vaccinated before I started chemotherapy, which apparently is much better than being vaccinated after it (see this timely medical article that my mother sent me if you are curious about that).
In spite of Covid slowing things down on campus, I am making progress in my new job. I am starting to set up a lab, I have a PhD student, and the beginnings of some research and collaboration. I am excited about it.
In the end of December I visited the butterfly rearing facility for the butterfly park at at the Bannerghatta Biological Park. I am hoping that they will give me the parasitoid wasps that get in their rearings so that I can learn about them.
This brings us finally back to winter holiday cooking. We have a family tradition of celebrating Coffeecake Day instead of Christmas, using the coffeecake recipe that my grandmother Ruth used to make. Here I am making the Bangalore version of it.
Thanks! So glad to hear your CoVid was mild!
I love your beautiful head of hair ! What a surprise this all was to me and it sounds fantastic! Love to you and Andy too! And news from Prachi?
Wonderful to hear about your time in Bangalore and in Israel and it’s very good to hear that the case of COVID is mild! That is very good news! and what a beautiful butterfly…I can imagine that it would be very cool to work with a butterfly facility there, seeing lots of species you’ve never seen before.
I am really excited about learning about the parasitoids of these local butterflies, and also about the butterflies. And, the rearing facility is perfect for it becuase they get the parasitoids and don’t want them.
Xoxoxoxoxo love and hugs.
You are truly amazing! Glad its a mild case. Get better soon. Enjoy your time there, all your adventures, great and small. ❤️
Wow Saskya! What a whirlwind! I’m so glad you didn’t get very sick! My friends with lymphoma have been getting the special 2 butt cheek shots! What is Valentines Day like in India? Love from Joyce
Hi Saskya, such a drag you got COVID. Can you trace how you got infected? Relieved it’s mild. Hope you can get the fourth shot when you’re better. Thanks for the update. Love, Carole
Carole: Just to save Saskya the typing, I’ll tell you the contact tracing.
This is one of those cases, which seem relatively uncommon in the Omicron era, that one can give a pretty definitive guess. Israel has a tight Covid policy for visitors: double vaccinations, PCR within 3 days of arrival, and PCR at arrival followed by a day of quarantine until the 2nd PCR comes back negative. But it is leaky; it is not secure against getting infected during travel. One in Saskya’s group did. Then mistook Covid for a cold. Wisely or not, Saskya and others hung out with him for a few days before and after he was symptomatic with that supposed cold, sometimes indoors and not masked.
Luckily, as she said, Saskya had her original double vaccination before her Rituximab chemotherapy started (Her booster, post Rituximab, is/was of no utility, according to the article Saskya linked). It seems that despite her generally immunosuppressed state, that Saskya got the mild Covid sickness that is generally expected for a healthy double vaccinated person. One place I read that the chance of serious Covid or death goes up by a factor of 80 for people immunocompromised like her. So that vaccination before chemo-therapy was special good luck, (in the context of the bad luck of having cancer at all).
Thank God. At least a significant blessing in the midst of everything!!!
You are such a good writer Saskya. It’s fun and interesting to hear what you are up to. I know you are busy but I, for one, would like for you to write more often on this blog!
Saskya, You’re such an international research star right now! What a juggling act, but it sounds like you have it under control. Here in DC, we’re struggling through an unusually cold winter and hoping Putin is just bluffing. Thanks for the update! ❤️
You can’t just leave us hanging like that! Where is the coffee cake recipe? Glad you are doing well. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Very good point Dan! I have now added a link to the coffee cake recipe.
Hi Saskya and Andy! Thanks for the update, I have been wishing for one for two days now! 🙂 David and my sister’s dauhter’s family have covid, too, the family tested positively yesterday and they are not vaccinated. Well, David refuses to believe he has covid, but I’m sure of it! Wonderful to hear that you are doing things you like to do!! Except sitting inside with covid, of course. Here, things should be back to normal, or something like it, in a month.
Saskya, thanks so much for your post including pictures. Sorry you have COVID, but relieved that it is mild. Enjoy your early morning spots of sunshine!
Hi: I’m Claire Isaacs Wahrhaftig.. I’m an old friend of your parents. Your father and I went to Pomona College together and have been friends ever since. I lived in Israel in the fifties when I was in my twenties Your research sounds very intersting and I loved that you made contact with the butterfly lab, something that someone like me without a backgroud in insects can truly appreciate. Good luck with your project and your recovery from Covid. I got it myself despite shots and booster but did did not suffer. With warmest regards, Claire
Wit best regars,
Thanks for the good wishes Claire. I am very curious about Israel, but so far have;t got to visit much becuase of Covid. But, tomorrow I am going the the Negev desert!
Hi Saskya,
I’m glad to hear that your Covid case is mild. I, too, got it after avoiding it for nearly two years — once the social distancing wasn’t enforced anymore. Working harder to breath was a scary moment for me, and it was annoying that I couldn’t taste my food 😕
I hope you and Andy are having fun in Israel and Bangalore. I’m starting to pick up and adopt some of Andy’s good habits and advice, and I can feel it doing a lot of good for me.
Please take care,
My advice might be ok. My habits are not to be imitated!